I like ice cream but it's not good for health so I can't eat a lot. But this week I ate 2 ice creams…!!!
Because recently was very hot so I can't put up with eat ice cream… I ate Vienetta and Mow!! Vienetta had never eaten it so it was my first time to eat it. It was very delicious! I like chocolate so I was glad to eat it. Next day, I ate Mow! Mow is one of delicious ice cream, I think. I like it because it taste is rich milk. They were very delicious and makes me happy but I should excise soon…!
I love ice cream♥
返信削除I really love ice cream too, but it is too fattening. My wife will not let me buy it. :^(
返信削除BUT, we use frozen bananas and yogurt to make Banana Smoothies instead. In the summer, I actually have Banana Smoothies for breakfast everyday. It is like healthy ice cream for breakfast! Yum!